Creative Ideas for Proposal and Engagement Ring Presentation
- You can plan a scavenger hunt: Find clues and the rings at locations that are special to you.
You can surprise your partner with a proposal on a romantic vacation. It could be while you're enjoying beautiful sunsets, at the edge of a cliff, or eating a candlelit meal in a cozy restaurant.
You can involve your pets by asking them to "deliver the ring" to your partner in an imaginative way. You can tie the ring around your dog's collar, or ask your cat to bring it to you in a special box.
You can create a DIY scavenger hunt: Create a series of love letters or clues that lead you to the ring. The ring can be hidden in a specific place or given to your partner at end of the scavenger hunt.
You can propose during a special event.
You can propose a special gift. The ring can be presented as parts of a larger present, such as a bouquet or a special piece of jewelry.
You can propose with food: If your partner is sweet-toothed, you might consider hiding the ring inside a piece of chocolate or cake. You can also write "Will you marry me?" You can write "Will you marry me?" on a platter of food that includes food items like fruit and cheese.
You can propose with surprise outings: Set up a date or plan an outing, and include the proposal in the plans. You can also propose while stargazing, or on a hot air balloon flight.
You can propose a special object. Choose something that means something to you both, such as a book or art piece, and place the ring inside.
- Make a multimedia proposal: Create a slideshow/video that tells your love story, and ends with the proposal. Then, you can watch it together and then ask the big question.